
Here I am in January 2022.  I should be wrapping up my liaison duties for North Country and preparing to go to  Bennington college, but we are still in this pandemic. I am thankful that we, the planning committee, and staff decided to postpone this session one more year.  My heart is missing Bennington, but it was the right decision to make.

This extra long break has renewed my gratitude for North Country Studio Workshop.  It has given me a chance to pause and reflect on why I value North Country so much.  It’s a pretty easy question to answer.

When I glance around my clay studio in the cold, dark month of January… 
I see remnants of ideas from past workshops, trades from other potters and artists including woodfired stoneware, soda fired surfaces, handmade brushes to decorate my work, my thrown and altered clay vessels. 
I see the layers and layers of experiences I have had at North Country
I see people who have become friends and confidants,
I see conversations,
I see late nights making in the studio after just learning an amazing new technique,
I see the faculty members who have influenced me so deeply with a conversation or advice 
I see my studio and an artist who has invested in herself at NCSW  to continue learning and being curious about expression, craft and community, 
I see layers and layers of ideas, community, conversation, a time that I have taken for myself to grow and develop my skills, to dive deep into technique,
I see space to make an energy that continues to fuel my curiosity.

I am thankful we will meet in 2023,  
I am thankful to be apart of the plans to continue and to evolve NCSW,
I am thankful I have layers and layers of ideas to continue to excavate, to reflect on that will keep me growing and inspired until the next workshop,
I am thankful for the North Country community who has persevered and has continued to work hard to maintainthe energy of North Country in this year.
I am thankful it will all carry me through until the 2023 session. This is the seventh session I have helped plan workshops as a Planning Committee member.

This year has begun in a reflective mood, but is quickly moving into thinking about our workshops, planning and talking with faculty members.  I have a feeling of relief to return, to reconnect, to recenter.  I’m looking forward to making and sharing in this next year knowing all the layers of inspiration to be unfolded.  Be well. Be creative. 

I am a studio potter and educator living in New Durham NH.  I am a functional wood fired and soda fired clay artist.  I love to collaborate with my atmospheric kilns.  I use clay slips to add layers of information for the kiln to react too.   

During my Covid years, I collaborated with a fellow potter, Andy Hampton, to build a wood fired kiln.  This was a great experience, which then brought together safely, some of the clay community to help fire this big kiln.  I have continued to experiment with clay forms and surface, influenced by my time at the workshops.

Please reach out if you have any questions 

Sarah Burns, NCSW Planning Committee Member
Instagram: Sarah_sweetfernpottery
FB Sweet Fern Pottery




Jessica Seaton

Jessica is a studio potter and ceramic artist who works in the Seacoast of New Hampshire making functional, handmade pottery for use in the home. Jessica thinks CLAY ROCKS!!!!